How It Works


Through our secure online interface, enter your customers check information ::

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Email **
  • Check Routing Number
  • Checking Account Number
  • Total Check Amount


We compare information against our verification databases to instantly insure the check is good. The next business day the checks are batched and we make a live verification call to your customers bank to insure the check is still good and on approval, your bank account will be credited 100%* of your funds. Checks are batched at 10:00 am EST. Checks processed before 10:00 am are deposited same day, checks processed after 10:00 am are deposited the next business day. (most banks).

We also notify you and your customer of the transaction.**


  • Billing for the service will be provided in a separate transaction. ** If a valid email isn’t provided, postal mail can be used to notify your customer (for an additional fee).