Response Codes

Code Details Description Service
1111 Pass AV Account Verified – The checking account was found to be an open and valid account. Real-Time
2222 Pass AMEX AMEX Cheque – The account was found to be an open and valid American Express account. Real-Time
3333 Pass NPP Non-Participant Provider – This account was reported with acceptable, positive data found in recent or current transactions. Real-Time
4444 Pass NRA Non-Reporting Account – Bank is not able to report on this account at this time. This could be the result of a bank acquisition. Please contact bank for additional information. Real-Time
5555 Pass SAV Savings Account Verified – The savings account was found to be an open and valid account. Real-Time
7777 Pass AV Account Verified – The checking account was found to be open and have a positive history. Real-Time Extended
8888 Pass SAV Savings Account Verified – The savings account was found to be open and have a positive history. Real-Time Extended
9999 Pass NPP This account was reported with acceptable, positive data found in recent transactions. Positive history exists for multiple transactions. Real-Time Extended
GN01 Negative Data Negative information was found. Negative Data
GN02 Stolen/Forged/Fraud Someone has reported that check on this account have been stolen or forged. Negative Data
GN03 Stop Payment The merchant or customer has requested that all thansactions for this account be stopped. Negative Data
GN04 Account Closed The bank has stopped the account (probably closed). Negative Data
GN05 Unassigned Routing Number The routing number supplied is reported as not assigned to a financial institution. Negative Data
GN06 Negative Data in Account History Negative data exists in account history for check writer. Negative Account History
GP01 Private Bad Checks List - Variable The value for Details will vary depending on the value set for CheckReject reason in the Private Bad Checks List. Proprietary
GS01 Invalid Routing Number The routing number supplied did not match the format of a valid routing number. Proprietary
GS02 Invalid Account Number The account number supplied did not match the format of a valid account number. Proprietary
GS03 Invalid Check Number The check number supplied did not match the format of a valid check number. Proprietary
GS04 Invalid Amount The amount supplied did not match the format of a valid amount. Proprietary
GS05 Negative Data Exists - Contact Merchant Negative data was found on the account listed. Please contact merchant for alternative form of payment. Proprietary
GS06 Non-Debit Account The routing number provided does not allow debits to be posted to the account. Proprietary
ND00 No Data No positive or negative information has been reported on the account. This could be a small or regional bank that does not report. No Data
ND01 No Data - US Government Only No positive or negative information has been reported on the account. This routing number can only be valid for US Government financial institutions. Please verify this item with its issuing authority. No Data
RT00 No Information Found The routing number appears to be accurate however no positive or negative information has been reported on the account. Please contact customer to ensure that the correct account information was entered. Real-Time
RT01 Declined This account should be returned based on the risk factor being reported. Real-Time
RT02 Reject Item This item should be returned based on the risk factor being reported. Real-Time
RT03 Accept With Risk Current negative data exists on this account. Accept transaction with risk. (Example: Checking or savings accounts in NSF status, recent returns, or outstanding items) Real-Time
RT04 No Negative Data No Negative Data was found. This could be a Non Demand Deposit Account (post no debits), Credit Card Check, Line of Credit, Home Equity or a Brokerage check. Real-Time
RT05 Accept With Risk Recent negative data exists on this account. Accept transaction with risk. (Example: Checking or savings accounts in NSF status, recent returns, or outstanding items) Real-Time Extended